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Lothar Kroll (Hrsg.)
Michael Heinrich / Isabelle Roth-Panke / Elisa Sommer / Diana Schreiterer (Hrsg.) 4th International MERGE Technologies Conference
IMTC 2019 Lightweight Structures
156 Seiten, m. Abb. und Tab., A5, Broschur
ISBN: 9783957351111 Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten
In a competitive environment, the strong cooperations, solution-oriented strategies and marketable applications needed, call for a close working relationship between research institutions and companies. This goal can be achieved through interdisciplinary thinking and action, knowledge transfer and the establishment of connections between the key players in the fi elds of materials and natural sciences, production technology, microelectronics, system integration, design, calculation, simulation and quality assurance. The IMTC therefore welcomes experts from science and industry who share their knowledge and experiences in the research and development of lightweight structures and the associated manufacturing technologies.
The informative and varied lecture programme focuses on topics relevant to the sustainable ecological and economic production of hybrid lightweight components such as materials, processing and smart systems integration, as well as discussions on the latest developments and trends in lightweight construction. A colloquium encapsulating the highlights of more than six successful years of research at the Cluster of Excellence MERGE will round off the programme of this year’s conference.
MERGE was established in 2012 and has since expanded into a globally competitive organisation of the strongest lightweight construction regions in Europe thanks to the successful internationalisation strategy of MERGEurope. This network, which is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is shaping the future with a total of 500 partners from science and industry based in six countries. Today, the Cluster also boasts over 100 employees, a Scientifi c Advisory Board (SAB) with 21 members, an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) with 52 international partners and will soon form one of Europe’s largest lightweight construction centres with 7,000 m² of research space.