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R. Neugebauer (Hrsg.) International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium Sustainable Production for Resource Efficiency and Ecomobility Berichte aus dem IWU, Band 54
920 Seiten, mit Abbildungen, A5, Brochüre ISBN: 9783942267045 Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten
The International Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquium ICMC highlights topics related to adaptronic and mechatronic systems for the control of processes and machines, machine tools, machining processes and the production chain, along with the latest developments in machine tool kinematics and the complete production chain. In various sessions, experts present their scientific and technology solutions contributing to greater efficiency in today‘s manufacturing. Energy and resource efficiency, modeling and simulation, hybrid processes as well as precision machining will also be highlighted. The papers cover conventional and non-conventional processes, surfaces and metrology as well as the influence of workpiece and tool materials on performance and productivity in the car, aerospace, machine tool, power systems and precision manufacturing industries.