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Proceedings 8. Workshop CIRP 2005

Natur und Technik






Bestell-Nr.: 978-3-937524-24-5
Variante 1:
Variante 2:
Variante 3:
Preis: € 69.00

inkl. MwSt.,
versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands


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→ Inhaltsverzeichnis     → Leseprobe


Reimund Neugebauer (Hrsg.)
8th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations May 10-11, 2005 Chemnitz, Germany

705 Seiten, m. Abb., A4, Broschur

ISBN: 9783937524245
Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten

One of the workshop‘s primary goals is to bring together experts from both industry and research to share and discuss the latest advances in the modeling of cutting processes and machining operations, as well as to provide networking opportunities to encourage cooperative efforts within the field.

The scientific program will cover formal sessions (paper presentation and panel discussion) devoted to: Modeling of 2D and 3D machining processes High-speed cutting and hard machining Tribological aspects during cutting Precision machining Burr formation Micromachining Advanced cutting tool design.


Dissertation B. Li
 € 33.00



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