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M. Stern (Hrsg.) WORKING GROUP on PROLAMIN ANALYSIS and TOXICITY Proceedings of the 17th Meeting 3-6 Oktober, 2002, London, UK, England
149 Seiten, m. Abb., A5, Broschur ISBN: 9783928921879 Verlag Wissenschaftliche Scripten
The 17th Meeting of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicity (PWG) took place at the Postgraduate Centre, St. Thomas‘ Hospital, London, from October 3 to 6, 2002. The sponsor and host, Nutricia Dietary Care (Garry Reason and Janet Gould) welcomed the group, invited speakers and participants from industry (cereal starch producers, producers of gluten-free food, manufacturers of kits for gluten analysis). International and national coeliac societies were present. The UK Coeliac Society (Andrew Ladds) was this year‘s co-host.
The meeting was scheduled a month before the Codex Alimentarius Committee session in Berlin, in order to exchange definitive results on the PWG R5 ELISA collaborative study organized by Frits Janssen. In addition, analytical and clinical research reports were presented, a PWG executive meeting was held, a report by the EC Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Christoph Klein) was discussed and a symposium on the use of genetically-modified cereals in coeliac disease (Herbert Wieser, Paul Ciclitira) was organised.